The list of certified translators can be consulted at the Commercial Registry of the state where the service is desired.
However, you will be able to find a Legal Translation Services in Dubai in the language you need on the list of professionals qualified by the state of your residence. In such cases, you can hire the services of a professional from another state and request that the document be sent by post.
How does it work in other countries?
There is no universal rule about legal translation rules. Each country is sovereign to set its own rules. In dubai, for example, only legal translations made within the country are accepted. In other locations, translations made in dubai may be accepted, while in others, such as Argentina, they may not.
That is, everything will depend on the country in question and the rules stipulated by the institution that requires the document. These doubts are common, for example, to those who are going to study abroad.
Some universities may ask for diplomas and certificates translated into your language. However, the form of translation depends on a number of factors, which take into account the country rule that houses the educational institution.
Therefore, when someone requests a document and there is a need for it to be translated, keep an eye on the country’s rules so that you can deliver a valid and official translation. Otherwise you will have some setbacks having to redo all material until you can deliver the correct version.
Does the legal translation needs to be done by a national of the country in which you will apply for citizenship?
Each country has its own rules for public translation. In some countries, for example, only translations made by nationals and residents of the country are valid. Meanwhile, in other countries there is no requirement to be a native or naturalized citizen to perform the translation.