Things have changed significantly over the last few years; many laws in the USA have been mended, abolished and added. For instance, alimony is outdated because we now call it spousal maintenance and it does not have to do anything with child support payment. This new rule is intended to reimburse financially needy spouses for the loss of income that is caused by divorce. However, the state of New York sees spousal maintenance as a temporary fix rather than a long-term get-rich plan. Obviously, the judges are no fools, so one cannot play a victim card and get away with a lump sum after a divorce. For those seeking support after their marriage has ended, the divorce lawyer in Forest Hills can help and get you back what is rightfully yours.

What Can A Divorce Lawyer Do About Spousal Maintenance Problems?

When couples choose divorce, a conflict emerges between them where one party wants to secure spousal maintenance, and the other party wants to get away with it. This problem is familiar, and both parties in the case of divorce seek a solution to this problem. Therefore, you do not want to lose a single penny after divorce since you have worked very hard but the court thinks otherwise. It would help if you had an experienced divorce lawyer Forest Hills, to fight these difficult cases, and your ex will not be able to exploit the situation or demand more than what she or he is entitled to take.

What Sort of Spousal Maintenance Is Available?

Spousal maintenance is not the solution to the problems people face after being divorced. Some people may get this financial support as an award for life, but the numbers could be much higher. Spousal maintenance is mainly awarded for a particular period depending on the length of the marriage and other aspects a court may consider. The best divorce lawyer in Forest Hill says your spouse is entitled to receive the following:

Provisional Spousal Support

During a divorce, the partner who makes less money than their soon-to-be ex could qualify for spousal support, also known as interim spousal maintenance. While the divorce is still pending, in 2010, the passage of a statute gives judges the same formula and considerations they use to determine temporary spousal support as they do when deciding spousal maintenance following a divorce. The divorce attorneys at Aronov Law NY are skilled in helping clients with post-divorce maintenance and temporary spousal support cases.

Post Divorce Spousal Support

This matter will be ongoing for an unclear amount of time. Divorce lawyer Forest Hills can help the paying spouse to win a decrease or aid the receiving spouse to win an increase depending on his or her financial requirements even years after a divorce.

Spousal Support Won’t Be Much In Case of Adultery

Cheating on a spouse is not usually taken into account when determining a spouse’s support award in New York, even though some states view adultery as an automatic barrier to an alimony award. However, suppose a spouse who is involved in an extramarital affair wastes marital assets on their partner. In that case, the court can recoup those funds or assets, giving the other spouse a bigger share of the family assets. These issues may seem trivial, but a divorce lawyer can help you take advantage of these petty matters to build your strong case against your cheating spouse.