Divorce is never going to be a pleasant experience for either party, and often, emotions run high, which makes it even harder to communicate about the finer details of the separation. The law regarding divorce works on a no-fault divorce system, which means the court is not interested in who is at fault, and there are two main conditions that need to be fulfilled for a marriage to be ended.

  1. The marriage has broken down and there is no chance of a reconciliation, to which both parties must agree.
  2. The parties have lived separately and apart for a continuous period of 12 months.

There can be exceptions to the above rules, when, for example, a couple still live in the same house for cultural or financial reasons, and especially when there are children involved. Although this would be at the discretion of the circuit court that is dealing with the divorce proceedings.

Hiring an Experienced Divorce Lawyer

No matter how amicable the divorce seems, it is essential that you hire an experienced divorce lawyer, who will ensure that you receive a satisfactory outcome. The marital assets must be divided according to the law, and without experienced legal representation, you could be at a serious disadvantage. The lawyer would be able to communicate with your ex-partner’s lawyer, which means you do not have to have face to face confrontations if you would prefer it that way.

Acting in your Best Interests

Your divorce lawyer has one main objective, which is to gain a satisfactory outcome for their client, and a good lawyer will have excellent negotiating skills, and if you would rather not be present during meetings, your lawyer would keep you informed every step of the way, while also acting on your directives.

Either both parties or a single party can file for divorce proceedings, and in the event it is a single party doing so, the other party must be informed of the application, which would be done using registered mail. Once the application has been filed, your lawyer will handle everything, while keeping you informed of the progress, and the peace of mind that you have knowing that you are being legally represented removes the stress that a divorce or separation causes.

Change your Lifestyle

The more you change your lifestyle, the less you will miss married life, and rather than spending a lot of time alone, go out and meet up with old friends, which can be a great tonic and can take your mind off the divorce. Taking up a new hobby is the ideal way to spend your downtime, and, of course, your solicitor is always ready to lend an ear if you need to get something off your chest. Try not to focus on what you have lost, rather see the separation as a new and exciting chapter in your life, and that doesn’t have to include another relationship, at least not until you are ready.